Table DML Detection
Auditing is the most robust way to track changes in a database. However, another way to detect DML on a table is via a trigger. In this way DML events can be detected and logged given your unique specifications. This is not meant to be used on a table with extremely high activity of course. Change this to meet your specs.
To achieve this:
- Create a centralized table for storing these type events. In this example: appdba.tracking
- Grant required privileges to the above table to the schema with table to track.
- For each table to track, create a trigger in the corresponding schema.
Architecture Creation Scenario
Create Table to Store Tracking Events
DROP TABLE appdba.tracking; CREATE TABLE appdba.tracking ( tracking_id number, event varchar2(50) CONSTRAINT tracking_event_nn NOT NULL, object varchar2(50) CONSTRAINT tracking_object_nn NOT NULL, dml_date date, CONSTRAINT tracking_pk PRIMARY KEY(tracking_id) USING INDEX TABLESPACE users ) TABLESPACE users; INSERT INTO appdba.tracking(tracking_id,event,object,dml_date ) VALUES (1001,'Tracking table initialized.','appdba.tracking',SYSDATE); SELECT * FROM appdba.tracking;
Grant Privileges
DEFINE Schema2Track = "SCOTT"
GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON appdba.tracking TO &Schema2Track;
Get Tablename to Track
SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables WHERE owner='&Schema2Track';
Create Trigger (for each table to track)
This example tracks updates via AFTER UPDATE trigger option. Change as required. Change for each table to run below script on.
DEFINE Table2Track = "FININSTITUTIONS" CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER &Schema2Track..trk_&Table2Track AFTER UPDATE ON &Schema2Track..&Table2Track FOR EACH ROW DECLARE vNewID NUMBER; BEGIN -- Get tracking_id SELECT max(tracking_id)+1 INTO vNewID FROM appdba.tracking; -- INSERT INSERT INTO appdba.tracking VALUES (vNewID,'Table DML','&Schema2Track..&Table2Track',SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN if sqlcode = -4091 then null; --ignore mutation errors else raise; end if; END; /
-- QC
SELECT trigger_name, table_name, status FROM dba_triggers WHERE owner = '&Schema2Track';
Display DML Events
COL event FORMAT a30 COL object FORMAT a30 SELECT * FROM appdba.tracking ORDER BY tracking_id DESC;