HMG Notes
Page Under Construction
- Create New Project
- Create Menu
- Create ToolBar
- Add a Header File (.ch)
- Add a New Module (.prg)
- Embed Image Into .Exe
- Embed Icon Into .Exe
Create New Project
1. Create a directory for new app. Ex: C:\app\hmg\dev\MyApp 2. Run the HMG IDE and select: File -> New Project 3. Enter path for new project file and press Save. Ex: C:\app\hmg\dev\MyApp\MyApp.hbp A new base app framework is created. 4. Press the Run button to create the .exe file ensuring everything is OK.
Create Menu
1. From the Project Browser - Forms Tab, open the Main.fmg window. 2. Select the Main Menu Builder button. 3. To create a parent (File) menu. a. Caption: File b. Action: <leave blank> c. name: mnuFile 4. Add submenu item selecting Next. a. Caption: About b. Action: MsgInfo('My applciation 1.0','About') c. Name: itmAbout d. Use left arrow making the item a child of the parent menu. 5. Run\test your application seeing the new menu. 6. Repeat steps as required.
For an Exit item action you can use: Main.Release
Example main.prg
#include "" #include <> #include <> #require "rddsql" REQUEST SDDODBC, SQLMIX Function Main // PUBLIC Vars PUBLIC gcCfgFile, gaRows, gaSystems PUBLIC gcSystems, gcDriver, gcSID, gcPort, gcUsername, gcLicense, gcSystem_Schema PUBLIC gcConnStr, ghConn, gcSQL // Init Main Window Load Window Main Main.Center Main.Activate Return PROCEDURE winMain_onInit() local i Set(_SET_DATEFORMAT, "yyyy-mm-dd") rddSetDefault("SQLMIX") // Init Cfg\Global Vars gcCfgFile := hb_DirBase() + AppBaseName() + ".ini" gcSystems := "" gcDriver := "" gcSID := "" gcPort := "" gcUsername := "" gcLicense := "" gcSystem_Schema := "" // Init Global\Public Vars INI_init(gcCfgFile) gaSystems := hb_atokens(gcSystems, ",") // Fill LBX Main.lbxDatabases.DeleteAllItems for i := 1 to Len(gaSystems) DoMethod ( "Main", "lbxDatabases", 'AddItem', gaSystems[i] ) next RETURN Nil PROCEDURE winMain_onRelease() dbCloseAll() RETURN Nil
Create ToolBar
1. From the Project Browser - Forms Tab, open the Main.fmg window. 2. Select the ToolBar button. 3. Select Properties button and provide main tool bar info: a. TlBar Name: tbMain b. Button Width: 35 c. Button Height: 35 d. Select desired attributes: Flat, Border ... 4. Enter Button Properties Name: btnTest Caption: Test Picture: <image file name> Ex: test.png Action: MsgInfo('Testing...','Test') 5. Run\test your application seeing the new ToolBar. 6. Repeat steps as required.
Add a Header File (.ch)
1. From the Project Menu: New Include 2. Enter Name: (Ex: common) 3. Enter header file definitions as needed. Example below:
Add a New Module (.prg)
1. From the Project Menu: New Module 2. Enter Name: (Ex: common) 3. Enter program file (Ex: common.prg) to associate it with your main.prg. Example below:
#include "" #include <> #include <> #require "rddsql" FUNCTION About(cAppinfo) MsgInfo(cAppinfo,"About") RETURN FUNCTION AppBaseName() local cGetProgramFileName, nPosOfDot, cAppName cGetProgramFileName := TOKEN( GetProgramFileName(),"\" ) nPosOfDot := at('.',cGetProgramFileName) cAppName := SubStr( cGetProgramFileName, 1, nPosOfDot -1 ) RETURN cAppName FUNCTION CfgValue(cFile,cSection,cEntry,cDefault) local cCfgValue IF file(cFilePath) BEGIN INI FILE (cFilePath) GET cCfgValue SECTION cSection ENTRY cEntry END INI ELSE cCfgValue := cDefault ENDIF RETURN cCfgValue FUNCTION Darkmatter_get(cDarkStringIn) LOCAL cClearString cClearString := HB_Base64Decode(cDarkStringIn,1) RETURN cClearString FUNCTION Darkmatter_set(cClearStringIn) LOCAL cDarkString cDarkString := HB_StrFormat(HB_Base64Encode(cClearStringIn,1)) RETURN cDarkString FUNCTION INI_init(cFilePath) IF .NOT. file(cFilePath) INI_default(cFilePath) ENDIF // getValues BEGIN INI FILE (cFilePath) GET gcSystems SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Systems" GET gcDriver SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Driver" GET gcSID SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "SID" GET gcPort SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Port" GET gcUsername SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Username" GET gcLicense SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "License" GET gcSystem_Schema SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "System_Schema" END INI gcLicense := Darkmatter_get(gcLicense) gaSystems := hb_atokens(gcSystems, ",") RETURN Nil FUNCTION INI_default(cFilePath) BEGIN INI FILE (cFilePath) SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Systems" TO "localhost" SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Driver" TO "Oracle in OraDB12Home1" SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "SID" TO "DB01" SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Port" TO "1521" SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "Username" TO "SCOTT" SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "License" TO "kj3452jh4kh5k2345gf" SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "System_Schema" TO "X15" MsgBox("Created a default config file: " + cFilePath) END INI RETURN Nil FUNCTION Password_change() LOCAL cPW cPW := alltrim(InputBox("Enter new password:","Password Change")) IF .NOT. empty(cPW) BEGIN INI FILE (gcCfgFile) SET SECTION "Oracle" ENTRY "License" TO Darkmatter_set(cPW) END INI MsgInfo("New password saved.","Status") ELSE MsgInfo("No change has been made to the password.","Status") RETURN ENDIF RETURN
After this the procedures\functions in your new module can be called from your main.prg and window (fmg). Menu Example: Action: About("My App 1.01")
Embed Image Into .Exe
1. Copy your image to the dir your project is in. 2. Close IDE. 3. Edit the .rc file for project and add entry for your image. Format: <IDName> <type> <FileName.ext> Examples: ImgJPG JPG myimage.jpg ImgBMP BITMAP myimage.BMP ImgGIF GIF myimage.GIF ImgTIF TIF myimage.TIF ImgPNG PNG myimage.PNG ImgWMF WMF myimage.WMF ImgICO ICO myimage.ICO ImgCUR CUR myimage.CUR 4. Open your project. 5. Associate your image with your button or other control using the IDName. Ex: Referring to above .rc entries, for a Toolbar Picture you would use ImgPNG as the value (not file name). 6. Run project (image is now embedded into the .exe file). Notes: - 32x32 and larger good for toolbars.
Embed Icon Into .Exe