Lua is a very powerful and compact language that can be used to write Oracle maintenance scripts. The following covers the essential steps to install and configure Lua for writing maintenance scripts for Oracle 10g/11g on a Windows Oracle database system. With Lua you may find yourself writing less code and getting more done than many other scripting languages.
Oracle database or at least the Oracle client software (standard or instant) has been installed. The Oracle environment variables are set: ORACLE_HOME etc. If older MS OS download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86). If you have this package in the same directory as the LuaForWindows install .exe it will be installed.
- Download and install Lua For Windows.
Select full installation option. - Download LuaSQL.
- Configure ODBC DSN for database connection.
- Configure your global scripts configuration file (lua.cfg).
- Configure application vars.
Sample Code
Connection Test
require "luasql.odbc" -- Init Variables local sSQL = "SELECT sysdate FROM dual" local env = assert( luasql.odbc() ) local conn = assert( env:connect("DB01","scott","tiger") ) local cur = assert( conn:execute(sSQL) ) local row = cur:fetch({}, "n") -- "n" = Numeric Indices -- Output Value print(row[1]) -- Housekeeping cur:close() conn:close() env:close() -- Pause io.write("Press to continue...") io.stdin:read() Cursor Loop require "luasql.odbc" -- Init Variables local env = assert( luasql.odbc() ) local conn = assert( env:connect("DB01","scott","tiger") ) local cur = assert( conn:execute("SELECT emp_name FROM HR.emp") ) -- Processing Loop row = cur:fetch({}, "a") while row do print(row.EMP_NAME) -- Field names must be UPPER case. row = cur:fetch({}, "a") -- "a" = Alphanumeric (FIELD NAME) Indices end -- Housekeeping cur:close() conn:close() env:close()
runLuaScript.bat (for use in Schedulers)
@echo off cls set ORACLE_SID=DB01 set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\client32 set TNS_ADMIN=C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN echo Lua Script Environment echo ORACLE_HOME: %ORACLE_HOME% echo ORACLE_SID: %ORACLE_SID% echo TNS_ADMIN: %TNS_ADMIN% echo. rem rem Run Lua Script rem cd C:\app\oracle\scripts "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe" %1
- At the time of this writing the Lua package used to connect to Oracle (LuaSQL) is undergoing changes. As a result I used the ODBC connection method. The new site for LuaSQL seems to be here.
- In some schedulers you may need to run it from a batch file that sets the ORACLE environment variables. Set the ORACLE_HOME to the Oracle client being used. Set the ORACLE_SID=DBSvcName and TNS_ADMIN=Path_To_tnsnames.ora