
Oracle 18c GI Cluster Installation



What follows is the most common way to install the Oracle 18c Grid Infrastructure (GI) for Linux enterprise environments. These instructions assume ASMFD used to configure and manage your disks. Change values in the examples to match your environment.


Directory and File Prep

As root user on Node1:

 su - grid
 cp /u01/app/
 cd /u01/app/

This extracts the software into the directory where you want your GI_HOME. The GI process will copy it to the other nodes as required.

GI Installation

  • Ensure other initial nodes are up and can connect OK (ping, nslookup etc.).
  • Run the Cluster Verification Script.
    grid> /u01/app/ stage -pre dbcfg -fixup 
          -n lnx01,lnx02 -d /u01/app/oracle/product/
  • ETA on install about 1.5 hours for a 2-node RAC.


As grid user from node1:

 export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/

Configuration Option

 🖸 Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a New Cluster

Cluster Configuration

 🖸 Configure an Oracle Standalone Cluster

Product Languages


Grid Plug and Play

 Cluster Name: rac-cluster
 SCAN Name:    rac-scan
 SCAN Port:    1521
 ☐ Configure GNS

Cluster Node Information

 Should see current system. Example: rac01 | rac01-vip 
 🖸 Add a single node
 Public Hostname:  lnx02.local
 Node Role: HUB
 Virtual Hostname: lnx02-vip.local
    OS Username: grid 
    OS PW:       ********
    Msg displayed: 
    "Successfully established passwordless SSH connectivity between the selected nodes."
  ... Shows OK (already established)
  ... Verification process runs for a moment

Network Interface Usage  = Public        (pubnet)  = ASM & Private (privnet)

Storage Option

 🖸 Configure ASM using block devices

Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR)

 Create a separate ASM group for GIMR?
 🖸 No

The GIMR resources will be placed in the GRID ASM disk group.

Create ASM Disk Group

 Disk group name: GRID
 Redundancy: 🖸 External = if not needing ASM based redundancy.
             🖸 Normal   = if needing ASM based redundancy.
 Allocation Unit Size = 4MB
 OCR and Voting disk data...

 Select Disks  
 ☑ /dev/sd_  <= Select disk(s) to be used for the +GRID ASM group.

 ☑ Configure Oracle ASM Filter Driver

Other disks (for +DATA, +FRA...) added later.

Do Not Enable if Using UDev!

Configure Oracle ASM Filter Driver

GIMR Data Disk Group (requires 40gb)

 Disk group name: MGMT
 ☐ /dev/sd_   <= Select disk(s) to be used for the GIMR (+MGMT).

If separate GIMR disk group enabled you will get this prompt.

ASM Password

 🖸 Use same passwords for these accounts.

Failure Isolation

 🖸 Do not use Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)

Management Options

 ☐ Register with Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control

Operating System Groups

 Oracle ASM Administrator: asmadmin
 Oracle ASM DBA:           asmdba
 Oracle ASM Operator       asmoper

Installation Location

 Oracle base:       /u01/app/grid
 Software location: u01/app/ (displayed)

Create Inventory


Root script execution

  ☐ Automatically run configuration scripts
  Disabling this makes it easier to debug.

Prerequisites Check

  Fix any issues then return to this point.
  If everything acceptable then press 



Process runs...

  • If you run top on your remote node you should see the grid user
    running ractrans commands when remote operations running.

  • You will be prompted to run root scripts on each node.

    Look for the below type entry at the end of process to ensure it ran OK:
    CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

 Select  when GI installation process completed.

Log Locations

During Install

  • /tmp/GridSetupActions<Date-Time>/sshsetup1_<Date-Time>.log

After Install

  • /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/<node>/crs/trace/alert.log
  • /u01/app/grid/crsdata/<node>/crsconfig/rootcrs_<node>_<date>.log

Create grid BASH User Profile (.bashrc)

Uncomment ORACLE_SID entry setting it to the ASM instance name on this system (ASM1, ASM2 ...).

umask 022
# Get the aliases and functions (if .bash_profile)
#if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
#	. ~/.bashrc

# Global Definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
   . /etc/bashrc

if [ $USER = "oracle" ] || [ $USER = "grid" ]; then
   if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
      ulimit -p 16384
      ulimit -n 65536
      ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
   umask 022

ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/grid; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/; export ORACLE_HOME

export PATH

export TEMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp

# Aliases - Common
alias cl='clear;crontab -l'
alias l9='ls -alt | head -9' 
alias l20='ls -alt | head -20'
alias l50='ls -alt | head -50'
alias tf='date;ls -l|wc -l'

# Grid
alias asmlog='tail -f $ORACLE_BASE/log/diag/asmcmd/user_grid/$HOSTNAME/alert/alert.log'
alias clog='tail -f $ORACLE_BASE/diag/crs/$HOSTNAME/crs/trace/alert.log'
alias cdbase='cd $ORACLE_BASE'
alias cdhome='cd $ORACLE_HOME'
alias cdadmin='cd $ORACLE_BASE/diag/asm/$ORACLE_SID*/$ORACLE_SID*/trace'
alias cdnet='cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin'
alias sqp='rlwrap sqlplus / as sysasm'
alias src='source $HOME/.bashrc'

ASM Configuration Assistant

After the GI has been installed and BASH grid user profile updated you can use the ASM Configuration Assistant (asmca) to manage your ASM environment. You'll want to create the remainder of your ASM disks for instance.

To launch run:
[grid] asmca &

Create Disk Groups

  1. Select Disk Groups
  2. Select the [Create] button.
    • Disk Group Name: DATA
    • Redundancy: 🖸 External
    • ☑ AFD:DISK02 <= example
    • button.
  3. Select Disk Groups
  4. Select the [Create] button.
    • Disk Group Name: FRA
    • Redundancy: 🖸 External
    • ☑ AFD:DISK03 <= example
    • button.

Cluster Verification Script DL

INS-06006 Passwordless SSH

Clean up the files in .ssh directory for grid user in VNC session:

 cd $HOME/.ssh
 rm -rf *