
Oracle 12c ( GI Cluster Installation: Linux


What follows is the most common way to install the Oracle 12c Grid Infrastructure (GI) for Linux enterprise environments. Adjust as required for your environment.



  • You have performed the LINUX OS Prerequisites.
  • Confirm shared disks available and have correct privileges. The links should be owned by root and devices by grid:asmadmin.
    • ls -al /dev/asm*
    • ls -rlt /dev/sd?1
  • Download files to your local disk.
  • Identify which interface (ex: eth0) is public and which is private.
  • If GI is for RAC run the Cluster Verification Utility.

Make sure Oracle inventory created on all nodes as so:

  • mkdir /u01/app/oraInventory
  • chown grid:oinstall /u01/app/oraInventory
  • chmod -R 775 /u01/app/oraInventory

On all remote nodes cloned from node 1:

 su -
 cd /u01/app
 rm -rf /u01/app/
 rm -rf /u01/app/grid
 rm -rf /u01/app/oracle

This is done as the GI process copies the required files to each node. It needs to be pristine to work correctly.

GI Installation: For Standard Cluster

  • Log into node 1 as the grid user.
  • Ensure other initial nodes are up and can ping and nslookup each other.
  • Monitor the process from the root scripts watching the alert log. Example:
    tail -f /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/rac02/crs/trace/alert.log


  • cd /u01/orasw/grid
  • ./runInstaller

Installation Option

 🖸 Install and Configure Oracle GI for a Cluster

Cluster Type

 🖸 Configure a Standard cluster

Installation Type

 🖸 Advanced Installation

Product Languages


Grid Plug and Play

 Cluster Name: cluster-alfa
 SCAN Name:    scan-alfa
 SCAN Port:    1521
 ☐ Configure GNS
 See Database Names.

Cluster Node Information

 Should see current system. Example: lnx01 | lnx01-vip
 Public Hostname:  lnx02.local
 Virtual Hostname: lnx02-vip.local
 [SSH connectivity]
    OS Username: grid 
    OS PW:       ********
    [Setup] ...
       Msg displayed: 
       Successfully established passwordless SSH connectivity between the selected nodes.
    [Next] ... Verification process runs for a moment

Network Interface Usage

 Ensure the Interface name (ex: eth0) correctly matches the network you choose.  = Public  (pubnet)  = Private (privnet)

Storage Option

 🖸 Use standard ASM for storage

Create ASM Disk Group

 If Udev used [Change Discovery Path] to: /dev/asm-disk*
 Disk group name: GRID

 Select Redundancy & Disks for Group:
   Generally use:
     🖸 External = If not needing ASM based redundancy.

     🖸 Normal   = If needing ASM based redundancy.
                   If you don't trust your SAN use this option.

 Allocation Unit Size = 1mb

 Add Disks  
   ☑ /dev/asm-disk01 🠈 Select disk(s) to be used for the GI (+GRID).
   ☐ /dev/asm-disknn ...Other disks for +DATA and +FRA added later.

ASM Password

  🖸 Use same passwords for these accounts.

Failure Isolation

  🖸 Do not use Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)

Management Options

  ☐ Register with Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control

Operating System Groups

  Oracle ASM Administrator: asmadmin
  Oracle ASM DBA:           asmdba
  Oracle ASM Operator       asmoper

Installation Location

  Oracle base:       /u01/app/grid
  Software location: /u01/app/

Create Inventory


Root script execution

  ☐ Automatically run configuration scripts
  Disabling this makes it easier to debug.

Prerequisites Check

  Ignorable Warnings. Fix any other issues then return to this point.
  If everything acceptable then [Next]



Process runs...

  • If you run top on your remote node you should see the grid user
    running ractrans commands when remote operations running.

  • You will be prompted to run root scripts.

    Look for the below type entry at the end of process to ensure it ran OK:
    CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

    Log example to monitor progress of root script (takes a minute to start): 
    tail -f /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/rac01/crs/trace/alert.log

 Select [Close] when GI installation process completed.


Check log from GI install for any errors. Example:


Create grid BASH User Profile (.bashrc)

Uncomment ORACLE_SID entry setting it to the ASM instance name on this system (ASM1, ASM2 ...).

umask 022

# Global Definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
   . /etc/bashrc

if [ $USER = "oracle" ] || [ $USER = "grid" ]; then
   if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
      ulimit -p 16384
      ulimit -n 65536
      ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
   umask 022

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/grid;
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/;
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm;
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:.local/bin:$HOME/bin

export TEMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp

# Aliases - Common
alias cl='crontab -l'
alias l9='ls -alt | head -9' 
alias l20='ls -alt | head -20'
alias l50='ls -alt | head -50'
alias tf='date;ls -l|wc -l'

ASM Configuration Assistant

After the GI has been installed you can use the ASM Configuration Assistant to manage your ASM environment. You'll want to create the remainder of your ASM disks for instance.

Create Disk Groups

If Udev used [Change Discovery Path] to: /dev/asm-disk*

Launch ASMCA

 su - grid
 OS> asmca &

Create DATA Group

 Select [Create]
 Disk Group Name: DATA
 Redundancy:      🖸 External
                  ☑ /dev/asm-disk02 🠈 Select corresponding disk(s) for group.

Create FRA Group

 Select [Create]
 Disk Group Name: FRA
 Redundancy:      🖸 External
                  ☑ /dev/asm-disk03 🠈 Select corresponding disk(s) for group.

INS-06006 Passwordless SSH

Clean up the files in .ssh directory for grid user in VNC session:

 cd $HOME/.ssh
 rm -rf *

In the OUI session, click SSH "Setup" again to setup SSH for grid user from scratch, then click "Test" in OUI, Now it completes with "SSH for user grid has already been setup".

Click "Next" in the OUI to complete the installation.

Example /etc/hosts

#public: lnx01.localdomain	lnx01 lnx02.localdomain	lnx02
# lnx03.localdomain lnx03

#private: lnx01-priv.localdomain	lnx01-priv lnx02-priv.localdomain	lnx02-priv
# lnx03-priv.localdomain	lnx03-priv

#virtual: lnx01-vip.localdomain	lnx01-vip lnx02-vip.localdomain	lnx02-vip
# lnx03-vip.localdomain	lnx03-vip

#Scan: rac-scan.localdomain	rac-scan rac-scan.localdomain	rac-scan rac-scan.localdomain	rac-scan

Ignorable Warnings

Task resolv.conf Integrity

 /etc/resolv.conf may not be able to resolve some VirtualBox IPs.

/dev/shm mounted as temporary file system

 PRVE-0421 : No entry exists in /etc/fstab for mounting /dev/shm
 False positive when using Linux 7.x.

PRVF-9802 : Attempt to get 'udev' information from node "lnx02" failed No UDEV rule found for device(s) specified.

 Udev checks should show other node rules file and disk configured OK.