Combo OJVM-GI-DB Patch Set Update (PSU)
🠊 Attention
To be able to download the PSU for 12.1 now requires Oracle Extended Support.
- Prerequisites
- Conflict Detection
- GI PSU: RAC | Oracle-Restart
- OJVM PSU: RAC | Oracle-Restart
- Post Patch Actions
29699244 | 29252164 | 28980120 | 28317214 | 28689148
The following covers applying a OJVM-GI-DB PSU combo patch. Combo patches contain the OJVM PSU in the same zip file as GI PSU and DB PSU for ease of downloading. Run GI\DB PSU first on all nodes then the OJVM PSU on just one node. GI\DB PSU is AKA GI PSU on this page.
Always read the patch notes. These are just a cheat sheet for an environment where:
- The GI home is not shared.
- The database home is not shared.
- ACFS is not used.
Patch 32579077 is used in these examples (AKA April 2021).
Combo Patch Fun Facts!
- opatchauto brings down the services, applys the patch (and subpatches) then restarts the services on the node.
- opatchauto only patches the individual node.
So you have to run it on all nodes. - opatchauto will patch both the GRID_HOME and ORACLE_HOME on the node.
So you don't have to explicitly execute it on the GI home then the DB home. - opatchauto updates the SQL in the database.
So you don't need to run datapatch -verbose afterward. - The GI\DB PSU opatchauto must be run from the GI Home as the root user.
- OJVM PSU must be applied as a Nonrolling Patch.
- The OJVM PSU must be run from the DB Home as the root user.
- To implement the OJVM PSU opatchauto apply is run on all nodes but the datapatch operation (AKA Load Modified SQL Files) is just run once from one node.
- The above is derived from various MOS cases including: 3-16179254071, 3-16515328131, 3-17593686831, 3-18616506451.
- If using VMware or VirtualBox, take a snapshot before beginning.
- Ensure the ORACLE_SID for each instance set.
- Download and install the latest OPatch.
- Validate Oracle home for both the oracle and grid users.
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $ORACLE_HOME - Download the latest PSU:
- Go to MOS DB Proactive Patching Doc ID: 756671.1
- From 756671.1, search on version - examples: Database, Database 19
- Select latest PSU entry: Combo Of OJVM Component DB PSU + GI PSU12.1.0.2.nnn
- Select Patch that matches your OS: Linux x86-64
- Select Download then corresponding patch:
- As grid user copy patch .zip file to your patches dir on each node.
Example: cp /media/sf_sw/Oracle/patches/12.1/2021-Apr/ /u01/orasw/patches/ - Run My Oracle Support's Conflict Checker tool to detect and resolve any conflicts.
If you have never used this go here. - Unzip the patch file.
One of the biggest reasons patches fail is lack of disk space in your home directories (oracle and grid). Ensure you have 25gb or more free.
If out of disk space, see: How To Avoid Disk Full Issues Because OPatch Backups Take Big Amount Of Disk Space. (Doc ID 550522.1).
List Sub Patches
- You want to identify which is the GI PSU and which is the OJVM PSU.
- The README.html identifies which patch number correlates to the type (GI or OJVM).
Change to the top most patch dir and review README.html in each top-level sub dir.
cd /u01/orasw/patches/32579077 ls -l 32495126 GI PSU 32473164 OJVM PSU ...
Perform this on each node before doing OJVM PSU.
su - export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/ cd /u01/app/ ./opatchauto apply /u01/orasw/patches/32579077/32495126 Session Log /u01/app/<DateTime>.log Current Cmds Log /u01/app/<DateTime>_1.log
• It may take up to 60-90 minutes per node to apply.
• If this RAC created with only 1 node use the -nonrolling option: ./opatchauto apply /<PathToPatchNumber> -nonrolling 🠊 Error Message Example.
🠊 Apply above GI PSU on all nodes before continuing.
Check dba_registry
COL version FORMAT a10 COL action FORMAT a10 COL status FORMAT a10 COL action_time FORMAT a30 COL description FORMAT a65 SELECT patch_id,version,action,status,action_time,description FROM dba_registry_sqlpatch; PATCH_ID VERSION ACTION STATUS ACTION_TIME DESCRIPTION ---------- ---------- ------ ------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 32495126 APPLY SUCCESS DD-MON-YY nn.nn.nn.nnnnnn AA DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE
PATCH_ID might not display the GI PSU (32495126). It might display a subpatch instead.
- After the GI PSU completed for all nodes, open a new console to apply the OJVM PSU from node 1 then other nodes.
- This will bring down DB instance, apply OJVM PSU, then restart DB instance.
su -
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
./opatchauto apply /u01/orasw/patches/32579077/32473164 -oh $ORACLE_HOME -nonrolling
- OJVM Log Path: $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/opatchautodb/systemconfig<DateTime>.log
- For Oracle-Restart run the the OJVM without the -nonrolling option.
- Oracle OJVM best practice info here.
Load Modified SQL Files Into the Database
- Perform this on just node 1 once. Do not run on other nodes.
- Ensure ORACLE_SID set for instance.
a. su - oracle b. Create pfile From spfile oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> create pfile from spfile; oracle> ls -l $ORACLE_HOME/dbs Note: init<InstName>.ora will have current data and time. c. Stop DB OS> srvctl stop database -d oradb d. Startup Upgrade oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> startup SQL> alter system set cluster_database=false scope=spfile; SQL> exit oracle> srvctl stop database -d oradb oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> startup upgrade; SQL> exit e. Run Datapatch oracle> cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch oracle> ./datapatch -verbose f. Start DB Back to Normal Mode oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> alter system set cluster_database=true scope=spfile; SQL> shutdown SQL> exit oracle> srvctl start database -d oradb g. Test SELECT instance_name,status,database_status,active_state FROM gv$instance ORDER BY instance_name; INSTANCE_NAME STATUS DATABASE_STATUS ACTIVE_ST ---------------- ------------ ----------------- --------- oradb1 OPEN ACTIVE NORMAL oradb2 OPEN ACTIVE NORMAL
- Make sure when you test that the database is not still in UPGRADE mode (AKA OPEN MIGRATE).
- OJVM checks.
Post Patch Actions
- If any patches where identified during Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution step apply them now.
- Ensure Oracle Inventory for grid and oracle homes shows applied patches.
OS> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory|more
- Perform Status Checks.
- Check dba_registry
COL version FORMAT a10 COL action FORMAT a10 COL status FORMAT a10 COL action_time FORMAT a30 COL description FORMAT a65 SELECT patch_id,version,action,status,action_time,description FROM dba_registry_sqlpatch; PATCH_ID VERSION ACTION STATUS ACTION_TIME DESCRIPTION --------- -------- ------- ------- ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 32495126 APPLY SUCCESS DD-MON-YY... DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE 32473164 APPLY SUCCESS DD-MON-YY... Database PSU, Oracle JavaVM Component (MonYY)
PATCH_ID might not display the GI PSU (32495126). It might display a subpatch instead.
Oracle-Restart: GI PSU
- Update OPatch.
- Copy patch files to system.
- Perform below steps.
-- Get ORACLE_HOME for grid User su - grid printenv|grep ORA ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/grid/product/
Use the ORACLE_HOME when setting PATH below.
--Apply PSU su - export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/grid/product/ cd /u01/app/grid/product/ ./opatchauto apply /u01/orasw/patches/32579077/32495126
Oracle-Restart: OJVM PSU
-- Shutdown DB and Listener su - oracle srvctl stop database -d oradb_sb su - grid lsnrctl stop -- Run: opatch apply su - oracle cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./opatch apply /u01/orasw/patches/32579077/32473164 -oh $ORACLE_HOME -- Startup DB and Listener srvctl start database -d oradb_sb Above will start the Listener. -- Run: datapatch su - oracle cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./datapatch -verbose
Locking and Unlocking Example
As root:
export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/ export PATH=$GRID_HOME/bin:$PATH cd /u01/app/ ./ -unlock <<Apply Patches>>
As root console used to lock:
cd /u01/app/ ./ -postpatch
Nonrolling Patch Example
Oracle JavaVM Component <vers> Database PSU used for this example.
su - export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./opatchauto apply /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27475603 -oh $ORACLE_HOME -nonrolling
Disable Node from Restarting
su - export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/ export PATH=$GRID_HOME/bin:$PATH cd $GRID_HOME/bin crsctl stop crs crsctl disable crs
Rollback Example
As root: from OPatch dir:
- ./opatchauto rollback /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957 -oh /u01/app/grid/product/
- $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
Successful Patch Output Example
OPatchAuto successful. --------------------------------Summary-------------------------------- Patching is completed successfully. Please find the summary as follows: Host:lnx01 RAC Home:/u01/app/oracle/product/ Version: Summary: ==Following patches were SKIPPED: Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/26983807 Reason: This patch is not applicable to this specified target type - "rac_database" Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/27338013 Reason: This patch is not applicable to this specified target type - "rac_database" ==Following patches were SUCCESSFULLY applied: Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/27338020 Log: /u01/app/oracle/product/ Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/27338041 Log: /u01/app/oracle/product/ Host:lnx01 CRS Home:/u01/app/ Version: Summary: ==Following patches were SUCCESSFULLY applied: Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/26983807 Log: /u01/app/ Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/27338013 Log: /u01/app/ Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/27338020 Log: /u01/app/ Patch: /u01/orasw/patches/27726478/27468957/27338041 Log: /u01/app/ OPatchauto session completed at Wed Jun 20 09:07:33 2018 Time taken to complete the session 24 minutes, 4 seconds
Rollback Example Session
-- Get Sub Patches cd /u01/orasw/patches/32579077 ls -l 32473164 OJVM 32495126 GSU\PSU -- Rollback: OJVM export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./opatchauto rollback /u01/orasw/patches/32579077/32473164 -oh $ORACLE_HOME -nonrolling -- Rollback: PSU export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./opatchauto rollback /u01/orasw/patches/32579077/32495126 -oh $ORACLE_HOME [-nonrolling] -- QC $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
Rollback Example Session: Sub-Patches
-- Determine Sub Patches to Rollback su - oracle $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory Interim patches (2) : Patch 27762253 : applied on Wed Sep 05 14:40:03 EDT 2018 Unique Patch ID: 22108407 Patch description: "OCW PATCH SET UPDATE (27762253)" ... Patch 27547329 : applied on Wed Sep 05 14:38:48 EDT 2018 Unique Patch ID: 22280349 Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (27547329)" -- Determine Path To Subpatch Directoies cd /u01/orasw/patches/28317214 ls -l drwxr-xr-x 4 grid oinstall 67 May 29 14:24 27923320 drwxr-xr-x 7 grid oinstall 143 Jul 16 07:10 27967747 cd 27967747 ls -l drwxr-xr-x 4 grid oinstall 48 Jul 16 07:03 26983807 drwxr-xr-x 18 grid oinstall 4096 Jul 16 07:07 27547329 drwxr-xr-x 5 grid oinstall 62 Jul 16 07:08 27762253 drwxr-xr-x 5 grid oinstall 62 Jul 16 07:06 27762277 cd 27762253 pwd /u01/orasw/patches/28317214/27967747/27762253 <-Use THIS for patch path for 27762253 etc.. -- With DB Home set (in this case): Ensure other nodes up then: ./opatchauto rollback /u01/orasw/patches/28317214/27967747/27762253 -oh $ORACLE_HOME -nonrolling ./opatchauto rollback /u01/orasw/patches/28317214/27967747/27547329 -oh $ORACLE_HOME -nonrolling
Oracle Best Practice on OJVM
Oracle recommends applying the latest OJVM PSU/DBBP/Update patch to ALL databases that have Oracle JavaVM present in the database, regardless of whether you are explicitly using it or not.
Even if Oracle JavaVM is not present in the database it is best practice to install the OJVM PSU/Update in case a new database is created in the ORACLE_HOME.
For more info on this see: Doc ID 2217053.1.
1 Node RAC: PSU Error Example
OPATCHAUTO-72141: Grid patching cannot be performed in rolling mode. OPATCHAUTO-72141: Grid is installed only on a single node. OPATCHAUTO-72141: Execute opatchauto in non-rolling mode. OPatchAuto failed.