
ODAC 19c 64-bit Installation

<- Install


What follows is the most common way to install 19c ODAC on a Windows system.

For optimal stability, install either the 64-bit or 32-bit version, if possible. Not both.

Should the 64-bit and 32-bit need to be installed on the same systems, AI recommends using separate directories as indicated here as so:

  • C:\ODAC64
  • C:\ODAC32


Download to local system: C:\sw\ODAC.

 1. Download ODAC from Oracle:
    a. Go here.
    b. Download below ODAC Xcopy Packages, 
       ODAC 19c: Latest 64-bit version
       ODAC 19c: Latest 32-bit version 
    c. Files downloaded:
    d. Unzip (each creates corresponding dir C:\sw\ODAC19.21Xcopy_x86|64).

 2. Run install.bat:
    a. Run: Windows System 🠊 Command Prompt 🠊 Run as Administrator
    b. cd C:\sw\ODAC\ODAC19.21Xcopy_x64
    c. Run: install.bat all C:\ODAC64 true
       Cmd prompt returns when done.  Nothing is output to the screen.
    d. Check that C:\ODAC64 was created.

    a. Run: Windows System 🠊 Command Prompt 🠊 Run as Administrator
    b. cd C:\sw\ODAC\ODAC19.21Xcopy_x86
    c. Run: install.bat all C:\ODAC32 true
       Cmd prompt returns when done.  Nothing is output to the screen.
    d. Check that C:\ODAC32 was created.

Procedure: Original 64-bit Install Proc

 1. Download ODAC 64-bit from Oracle:
    a. Go here.
    b. Below ODAC Xcopy Packages, select ODAC 19c: Latest 64-bit version. 
    c. Download to local system: C:\sw\ODAC.
       File downloaded:
    d. Unzip (use default, creates C:\sw\ODAC19.21Xcopy_x64).

 2. Open a Command Prompt window as Administrator.
    a. Run: Windows System 🠊 Command Prompt 🠊 Run as Administrator
    b. cd C:\sw\ODAC\ODAC19.21Xcopy_x64
    c. Run: install.bat all C:\App\Oracle true
       Cmd prompt returns when done.  Nothing is output to the screen.

  3. Check that C:\app\Oracle was created.

Uninstall Example

  1. cd C:\sw\ODAC\ODAC19.21Xcopy_x64
  2. uninstall.bat all odac