Network Link Usage
One of the most powerful features of the Data Pump is the ability to import files directly from one database to another using OracleNet. The following steps detail how to implement this.
Source Database
- On the source database create a user account to be used by a database link from the destination database if it does not already exist.
- Ensure for schema refreshes the user on the source database has the EXP_FULL_DATABASE privileged.
Destination Database
- Create a Directory Object (used for log files).
- Create and test a local tnsnames.ora service name to the source database.
- Create and test a database link to the source database.
- Import data from the source database using the NETWORK_LINK parameter.
Source Database (DB2)
SQL> CREATE USER dp_user IDENTIFIED BY "password"; SQL> GRANT connect,resource,exp_full_database TO dp_user;
Destination Database (DB1)
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY dpnet AS 'C:\exports'; SQL> GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY dpnet TO system; OS> ping db2srv OS> tnsping DB2 10 SQL> CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK dblink_db2 CONNECT TO dp_user IDENTIFIED BY "password" USING 'DB2'; SQL> SELECT * FROM v$database@dblink_db2; OS> impdp system/password JOB_NAME=ImportSchema LOGFILE=import.schema.log NETWORK_LINK=dblink_db2 SCHEMAS=SCOTT TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE Enter above impdp command on one line (or use a .par file).