File Actions: ASM
Get File Paths
You will use these paths when you create the directories for the SB and edit the pfile. Generally changing them to match the DB_UNIQUE_NAME on the SB.
From the Primary as oracle user:
show parameter control_files +DATA/ORADB/CONTROLFILE/current.256.957691805, +FRA/ORADB/CONTROLFILE/current.256.957691805 SELECT file_name FROM dba_data_files; +DATA/ORADB/DATAFILE/system.261.957691825 ... SELECT name FROM v$tempfile; +DATA/ORADB/TEMPFILE/temp.264.957691835 SELECT member FROM V$LOGFILE; +DATA/ORADB/ONLINELOG/group_8.271.957705245 +FRA/ORADB/ONLINELOG/group_8.264.957705249 ... ARCHIVE LOG LIST Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination +FRA
Extract Files from ASM to Local Dir
Edit scripts to match your environment. Run as grid user.
1. Edit and run: 2. Edit and run:
Create Files for SB
-- Create Pfile from Spfile sqlplus / as sysdba sqlplus> create pfile='/u01/xfer/sb_files/oradb.pfile' from spfile; -- Create a SB Control File alter database create standby controlfile as '/u01/xfer/sb_files/control.stdby'; -- Create Password File (ASM to OS) su - grid asmcmd ASMCMD> cd +DATA/oradb/PASSWORD ASMCMD> ls (to get PW file name) ASMCMD> pwcopy '+DATA/oradb/PASSWORD/pwdoradb.267.957704207' /u01/xfer/sb_files/orapworadb_sb
Copy Files to SB
Run as oracle user.
-- Copy Password File scp /u01/xfer/sb_files/orapworadb_sb oracle@lnx02:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapworadb_sb -- Copy ASM, Control and Parameter Files scp -r /u01/xfer/sb_files oracle@lnx02:/u01/xfer/
Things to Note
- The password file name is created to reflect the SB's DB_UNIQUE_NAME (orapworadb_sb).
- All the required directories are created on the SB in the scp operation.
From SB, Copy Files from Local Dir to ASM
Run as grid user.
1. Edit and run: 2. Edit and run:
Run for each ...ARCHIVELOG/<date> directory.