19c Combo OJVM-DB-RU
The following covers applying the OJVM-DB Release Update (RU) combo patch to a standard database. Patch 36522340 is used in these examples (AKA July 2024).
Combo Patch Fun Facts!
For both the Database RU and the OJVM RU
- You must shutdown all databases and listener before running opatch apply.
- datapatch -verbose is run after opatch apply.
- datapatch must be run for each separate database being patched.
Set the ORACLE_SID for each before running. - The above must be run logged in as the oracle user.
- An RU can change the minor version.
For example: 19.nn to 19.24.
- If using VMware or VirtualBox, take a snapshot before beginning.
- Ensure you have the latest OPatch.
- Confirm the Oracle inventory is OK.
Example: $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $ORACLE_HOME - Download Combo patch (Doc ID 2118136.2):
- What would you like to download? OJVM Update/PSU/Bundle Patches
- Please select the version:
- Download: OJVM + DB Update (36522340) 🠊 Select OS (Linux x86-64)
- As oracle user copy patch .zip file to your patches dir.
- Run My Oracle Support's Conflict Checker to detect and resolve any conflicts.
- Unzip the downloaded combo patch zip file.
su - oracle
mkdir /u05/patches/19/2024-Jul
DL to /u05/patches/19/2024-Jul
cd /u05/patches/19/2024-Jul
cp p36522340_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip /u01/orasw/patches/
cd /u01/orasw/patches
unzip p36522340_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip
- List included major patch sets.
cd /u01/orasw/patches/36522340
ls -l
36582781 (DB RU)
36414915 (OJVM RU)
One of the biggest reasons patches fail is lack of disk space in your ORACLE_HOME. Ensure you have 25gb or more free.
Database RU
su - oracle -- Stop Database(s) and Listener oracle> export ORACLE_SID=MyOraSid oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQLPLUS> shutdown immediate SQLPLUS> exit If multiple DB's on system: oracle> export ORACLE_SID=NxtOraSid Repeat above shutdown steps for each DB. oracle> lsnrctl stop -- Execute opatch If Linux 8 run: export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL8.1 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch Prep cmds on one line (includes OEL8.1): export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL8.1;export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin;export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch;cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./opatch apply /u01/orasw/patches/36522340/36582781 Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...[5-15 minutes] Do you want to proceed? [y|n]: y Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]: y Process runs... Upon completion the status will be displayed on screen. Example: OPatch succeeded. -- Conflict Patches If any Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution patches where identified apply them now. -- Start Database(s) and Listener oracle> lsnrctl start oracle> export ORACLE_SID=MyOraSid oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQLPLUS> startup startup mount <- For a Data Guard Standby SQLPLUS> exit If multiple DB's on system: oracle> export ORACLE_SID=NxtOraSid Repeat above startup steps for each DB. -- Run datapatch (Loads Modified SQL Files into the Database) cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./datapatch -verbose If multiple DB's on system run datapatch for each: oracle> export ORACLE_SID=NxtOraSid ./datapatch -verbose. -- Check dba_registry COL version FORMAT a10 COL action FORMAT a10 COL status FORMAT a10 COL action_time FORMAT a30 COL description FORMAT a65 SELECT patch_id,patch_type,action,status,action_time,description FROM dba_registry_sqlpatch; PATCH_ID PATCH_TYPE ACTION STATUS ACTION_TIME DESCRIPTION --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 36582781 RU APPLY SUCCESS 12-Mar-25 00.41.nn.nnnnnn AM Database Release Update : (36582781) -- Update Permissions DBRU relinks libraries & executables and can change permissions. Execute the following as root user: # chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/extjob # chmod 4750 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/extjob
The chown 4 (setuid) allows file to run with the priv of owner, rather than privs of user running executable.
su - oracle -- Shutdown DB and Listener sqlplus / as sysdba shutdown immediate exit lsnrctl stop -- Run: opatch apply cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./opatch apply /u01/orasw/patches/36522340/36414915 -oh $ORACLE_HOME Do you want to proceed? [y|n]: y Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]: y Process runs... Upon completion the status will be displayed on screen. Example: OPatch succeeded. -- Startup DB and Listener sqlplus / as sysdba startup exit lsnrctl start -- Run: datapatch cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch ./datapatch -verbose If multiple DB's on system run datapatch for each: oracle> export ORACLE_SID=NxtOraSid ./datapatch -verbose.
Post Combo Patch Actions
Ensure Oracle Inventory for the oracle home shows applied patches.
OS> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory|more
36582781 (DB RU)
36414915 (OJVM RU)
Perform database status checks.
SELECT instance_name,status,database_status,active_state FROM v$instance; INSTANCE_NAME STATUS DATABASE_STATUS ACTIVE_ST ---------------- ------------ ----------------- --------- mydb1 OPEN ACTIVE NORMAL
Check dba_registry
COL version FORMAT a10 COL action FORMAT a10 COL status FORMAT a10 COL action_time FORMAT a30 COL description FORMAT a65 SELECT patch_id,patch_type,action,status,action_time,description FROM dba_registry_sqlpatch; PATCH_ID PATCH_TYPE ACTION STATUS ACTION_TIME DESCRIPTION --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 36582781 RU APPLY SUCCESS 12-Mar-25 HH.MM.nn.nnnnnn AM Database Release Update : (36582781) nnnnnnnn INTERIM ROLLBACK SUCCESS 12-Mar-25 00.41.nn.nnnnnn AM OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: 19.x.0.0.190716 (nnn) 36414915 INTERIM APPLY SUCCESS 12-Mar-25 00.41.nn.nnnnnn AM OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (36414915)
List Patches
opatch lspatches 36414915;OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (36414915) 36582781;Database Release Update : (36582781) nnn;OCW RELEASE UPDATE (nnn)
Rollback Patch
Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC, Non-CDB Environment.
Rollback Fun Facts!
- Do the OJVM then Database Update.
- opatch rollback also automactically rolls back the SQL changes (AKA datapatch).
0. Note current patch versions. $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches 1. Shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home. If Linux 8 run: export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL8.1 -- Stop Database(s) and Listener oracle> export ORACLE_SID=MyOraSid oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQLPLUS> shutdown immediate SQLPLUS> exit oracle> lsnrctl stop Env Prep cmds on one line: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin;export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch;cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch 2. Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows: opatch rollback -id 36414915 (OJVM) opatch rollback -id 36582781 (Database Update) 3. QC $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches 4. After the rollback is complete, you will need to restart the database for the changes to take effect. -- Start Database(s) and Listener oracle> lsnrctl start oracle> export ORACLE_SID=MyOraSid oracle> sqlplus / as sysdba SQLPLUS> startup SQLPLUS> exit
This page has been derived from various MOS resources including: Doc ID 2285040.1, 3-20637596581, 3-16179254071, 3-16515328131, 3-17593686831, 3-18616506451.