OEL Linux OS 8.x Installation
What follows is the most common way to perform a core Linux OS installation for an Oracle production system. Adjust as required for your environment. Interface names (eth1, eth2 etc.) may be different in your environment.
- If in Virtualbox use right
key to move mouse outside of window. - This page is designed for OEL but generally covers RHEL, Alma and CentOS too.
- Be sure to perform any Post Installation Actions (common aliases etc.).
OS Disk
Role Size App Server = 128gb Oracle Server = 160gb *
- Why so much for Oracle? Patches, logs and trace files.
- Optimally 250gb may be a good investment if you need to scale from Oracle 12.x to 21c.
1gb to 2gb = 1.5 times the size of the RAM 2gb to 16gb = Equal to the size of the RAM More than 16gb = 16 GB *
* /swap shows less than 16b in some tools. Oracle will complain if less than 16gb is detected. Thus 18gb can be an ideal value for Oracle systems.
- Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and download Oracle Linux:
- Search on: oracle linux (select version you want)
Example: DLP: Oracle Linux ( Oracle Linux )
It will say Added to Cart once clicked. - Select: Continue (at top right)
- For Platforms/Languages seelct: x86 64 bit then [Continue]
- Accept License
- Select DL Option
• Example: [x] V1018317-01.iso Oracle Linux Release 8 Update 5 for x86 (64 bit) 8.5
• Example: [x] V984216-01.iso Oracle Linux Release 8 for x86 (64 bit) 8.1
• Download and run Oracle_SSN_DLM_nnn.exe to DL .iso.
- Search on: oracle linux (select version you want)
0. Boot from the ISO.
1. Select installation option:
Ex: Install Oracle Linux 8.x Enter
OS Installer\Boot runs...
2. Welcome\Language
Continue accepting the default.
3. Installation Summary
Software Selection
Base Environment (x) Server with GUI Additional... [x] Debugging Tools [x] Performance Tools [x] Development Tools [x] Graphical Administration Tools [x] System Tools
After above set select .
SYSTEM (disk partitioning)
Installation Destination
Storage Configuration
• (x) Custom
• [Done]
Manual Partitioning
1. Click: "Click here to create them automatically"
2. Change Partitioning as follows (minimum values shown):
/ (root file system) 130 GiB (or more: see /u01 & /u02 below) /swap 18 GiB /home 10 GiB
• Make sure to select after each change then
• /swap: Oracle will complain if less than 16gb is detected. Thus 18gb can be an ideal value for Oracle systems.
• Initially while in the configuration window you can set /home to smaller values to make space available.
/u01 & /u02
Though you do not have to allocate partitions for these now, adding these here for completeness.
/u01/app Oracle application binaries and support files. /u01/orasw Oracle software and patch file location. /u01/scripts DBA scripts. /u02 Exports, RMAN backups, wallets.
/u01 & /u02 can be created as directories off /(root) if enough space is provided (assuming you have a modern SAN).
When "SUMMARY OF CHANGES" presented press: [Accept Changes]
Destroy Format is OK. Floppy drive not used.
Disable if test system.
Network & Host Name
RAC configuration example here.
[Configure] each as shown: eth1 General: [x] Connect automatically with priority: 0 IPv4 Settings Method: Manual Select [Add]:\ Host name: (Example: lnx01) [Apply]
• If you dont use IP6 Disable it on all interfaces.
• Dont bind DNS values to individual interfaces (later set them in the /etc/resolv.conf).
• If VirtualBox, set interfaces for NAT and Host-only Adapter to Automatic (DHCP).
• After above set select .
Intall process runs... (approx 20-30 minutes)
While install running you can:
1. Set root password.
2. Create initial user account (lnxuser etc.).
After process completed:
1. Unmount .ISO used for install.
2. Select .
- Accept license from console screen. In some instances it may present a GUI for this.
- Select .
- Post Boot Prompts
- Welcome: English
- Typing: English
- Privacy -> Location Services: OFF
- Time Zone: <Your TZ> Ex: EDT (UTC-04) New York, United States
- About You
Full Name: lnxuser
Password: ********
Post Installation
Perform as needed for your environment:
- Ensure your DNS (/etc/resolv.conf) has a search domain entry and one or more nameserver IP entries.
- If your application vendor allows, update the OS and packages:
yum update -y
- Disable Firewall.
- Configure chronyd\NTP.
- Configure sendmail (smtp).
- Install dos2unix package.
- Configure common shell (aliases, env vars) and cron job entries.
- If Oracle server, perform the LINUX OS Prep for an Oracle database system.
- Turn off screen lock and screen saver:
Settings 🠊 Privacy 🠊 Screen Lock: Off
Settings 🠊 Power 🠊 Power Saving - Blank screen: Never
Aliases - Common
# Aliases - Common alias cl='clear;crontab -l' alias l9='ls -alt | head -9' alias l20='ls -alt | head -20' alias l50='ls -alt | head -50' alias oslog='tail -f /var/log/messages' alias tf='date;ls -l|wc -l'
For oslog alias: chmod 644 /var/log/messages
RAC Network Example
- A system to be a RAC node requires two interfaces:
- One for the public network (ex:
- One for the privet network (ex:
- Change IPs to match your environment.
eth1 General: [x] Connect automatically with priority: 0 IPv4 Settings Method: Manual [Add]\ eth2 General: [x] Connect automatically with priority: 0 IPv4 Settings Method: Manual [Add]\