
OEL Linux OS 8.x Installation


What follows is the most common way to perform a core Linux OS installation for an Oracle production system. Adjust as required for your environment. Interface names (eth1, eth2 etc.) may be different in your environment.

  • If in Virtualbox use right Ctrl key to move mouse outside of window.
  • This page is designed for OEL but generally covers RHEL, Alma and CentOS too.
  • Be sure to perform any Post Installation Actions (common aliases etc.).

OS Disk

 Role            Size
 App Server    = 128gb
 Oracle Server = 160gb *
  • Why so much for Oracle? Patches, logs and trace files.
  • Optimally 250gb may be a good investment if you need to scale from Oracle 12.x to 21c.

SWAP Size Guide

In many cases the default suggested on install will do just fine (ex 25 GiB).


 Swap size = 2x the amount of RAM.


 16-[32] GB

Higher Use Systems

 32–[64] GB

With all suggestions, vet out what your system will actually need.


  • Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and download Oracle Linux:
    1. Search on: oracle linux (select version you want)
      Example: DLP: Oracle Linux ( Oracle Linux )
      It will say Added to Cart once clicked.
    2. Select: Continue (at top right)
    3. For Platforms/Languages seelct: x86 64 bit then [Continue]
    4. Accept License
    5. Select DL Option
      • Example: [x] V1018317-01.iso Oracle Linux Release 8 Update 5 for x86 (64 bit) 8.5
      • Example: [x] V984216-01.iso Oracle Linux Release 8 for x86 (64 bit) 8.1
      • Download and run Oracle_SSN_DLM_nnn.exe to DL .iso.


0. Boot from the ISO.
1. Select installation option:

Ex: Install Oracle Linux 8.x Enter
OS Installer\Boot runs...

2. Welcome\Language

Continue accepting the default.

3. Installation Summary

Software Selection
Base Environment
(x) Server with GUI

[x] Debugging Tools
[x] Performance Tools
[x] Development Tools
[x] Graphical Administration Tools
[x] System Tools
After above set select .

SYSTEM (disk partitioning)
Installation Destination
Select disk for OS if multiple (ex sda).
Storage Configuration
• (x) Custom
• [Done]
Manual Partitioning
0. Select disk for OS if multiple (ex sda).
1. Click: "Click here to create them automatically"
2. Change Partitioning as follows (minimum values shown):
/swap                  16 GiB
/home                  10 GiB
/ (root file system)   130 GiB
Make sure to select after each change then
Initially while in the configuration window you can set /home to smaller values to make space available.
"SUMMARY OF CHANGES": [Accept Changes]
Destroy Format is OK. Floppy drive not used.
Disable if test system.
Network & Host Name
RAC configuration example here.
[Configure] each as shown:
[x] Connect automatically with priority: 0
IPv6 Settings
IPv4 Settings
Method: Manual
Host name: lnx01 [Apply]
• Dont bind DNS values to individual interfaces (later set them in the /etc/resolv.conf).
• If VirtualBox, set interfaces for NAT and Host-only Adapter to Automatic (DHCP).
• After above set select .
User Settings
1. Create root password.
2. Create initial user account (lnxuser etc.).
Begin Installation
Intall process runs... (approx 10-30 minutes per hardware speed)
After process completed:
1. Unmount .ISO used for install.
2. Select .

Login as root

  • Accept license from console screen. In some instances it may present a GUI for this.
  • Select .
  • Post Boot Prompts
    • Welcome: English
    • Typing: English
    • Privacy:
      • Location Services: OFF
      • Automatic Problem Reporting: OFF

Post Installation

Perform as needed for your environment:

  • Ensure your DNS (/etc/resolv.conf) has a search domain entry and one or more nameserver IP entries.
  • If your application vendor allows, update the OS and packages: yum update -y
  • Disable Firewall.
  • Configure chronyd\NTP.
  • Configure sendmail (smtp).
  • Install dos2unix package.
  • Configure common shell (aliases, env vars) and cron job entries.
  • If Oracle server, perform the LINUX OS Prep for an Oracle database system.
  • Turn off screen lock and screen saver:
    Settings 🠊 Privacy 🠊 Screen Lock: Off
    Settings 🠊 Power 🠊 Power Saving - Blank screen: Never

Aliases - Common

# Aliases - Common
alias cl='clear;crontab -l'
alias l9='ls -alt | head -9' 
alias l20='ls -alt | head -20'
alias l50='ls -alt | head -50'
alias oslog='tail -f /var/log/messages'
alias tf='date;ls -l|wc -l'

For oslog alias: chmod 644 /var/log/messages

RAC Network Example

  • A system to be a RAC node requires two interfaces:
    1. One for the public network (ex:
    2. One for the privet network (ex:
  • Change IPs to match your environment.
    [x] Connect automatically with priority: 0
    IPv4 Settings
    Method: Manual

    [x] Connect automatically with priority: 0
  IPv4 Settings
    Method: Manual