Usage Usage Session to prep a system for Oracle.
Run Oracle Preinstall Rpm before running this script. Then: shutdown -r now
Perform below as root user (scripts).
• Init passwd root mkdir -p /tmp/orasw/rpm chmod 777 /tmp/orasw chmod 777 /tmp/orasw/rpm Create script: /tmp/orasw/initLnxOra<ver>.sh Ex: gedit /tmp/orasw/ & Ex: chmod 765 /tmp/orasw/ • Copy Install Files to System cp or FileZilla Ora version files: C:\sw\Oracle\<ver>\Linux\ to /tmp/orasw rpms: C:\sw\Oracle\rpm\ to /tmp/orasw/rpm If VBox cp /media/sf_sw/Oracle/19c/*.zip /tmp/orasw/ cp -r /media/sf_sw/rpm/* /tmp/orasw/rpm/ • Script Run Phase 1 cd /tmp/orasw gedit /tmp/orasw/ & ./ optCopyFilesFromMedia=1 optInitUsers=1 optInitDirs=1 optDisableFirewall=1 optInstallPkgs=0 optVBoxChanges=0 cd /tmp/orasw ./initLnxOra<ver>.sh • Script Run Phase 2 gedit /tmp/orasw/ & optInstallPkgs=1 ./initLnxOra<ver>.sh ... shutdown -r now If VirtualBox, optVBoxChanges=1 shutdown -r now If VirtualBox dynamic disk, create file to grow disk to max probable size then defrag .vdi in windows. 1. dd if=/dev/zero of=/test.img bs=4k iflag=fullblock,count_bytes count=5G 2. rm -f /test.img 3. Then defrag your .vdi using Defraggler (or similar tool).
Packagekit (disable): systemctl stop packagekit; systemctl disable packagekit; systemctl status packagekit
Useful rpms To Install
Linux 8
rlwrap, sshpass:
wget rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm yum install rlwrap -y yum install sshpass -y
The yum install rlwrap step can take time (15 min).
Linux 7
rlwrap, flash-player, sshpass:
cd /u01/orasw/rpm rpm -ivh rlwrap-0.42-1.fc22.x86_64.rpm rpm -ivh flash-player-npapi- rpm -ivh sshpass-1.06-2.fc26.x86_64.rpm
VBox Ex: cp /media/sf_sw/Oracle/rpm/* /u01/orasw/rpm/
Alternative Flash Installation
Enable Yum Repository rpm -ivh rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux Install Flash Player yum install flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio libcurl