
CentOS 6.9 Install Cheat Sheet

- Install
- Skip Disc check.
- CentOS 6 [Next]
- English
- US English
- (x) Basic Storage Devices
- Storage Device Warning -> [Yes, discard any data]
- Hostname: lnx01.sccu.local
  [Configure Network]
- Time Zone: America/New York
  [x] System clock users UTC
- root Password: ********
- Type: (x) Replace Existing Linux Systems OR Use All Space
- Writing storage configuration to disk: [Write changes to disk]
- (x) Desktop
- Process runs...


- Welcome
- License
  (x) Yes, I agree to the License Agreement
- Create User
  Username: lnxuser
  Full Name: lnxuser
  Password:  ********
- Date and Time
- Kdump
  [ ] Enable kdump?

<<<Reboot Prompt>>>